平衡国家身份与经济发展:解决马来西亚招牌问题的建议Balancing National Identity and Economic Vitality : Resolving Malaysia’s Signboard
The Power of Balance:Malaysia’s Role in Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy
In a rapidly evolving global landscape, Malaysia’s strength lies in its ability to harmonize diverserelationships while maintaining its sovereignty and promoting mutual prosperity. As a meltingpot of cultures and a bridge between East and West, our foreign policy must reflect this uniqueidentity. Balancing bilateral and multilateral diplomacy is not only vital for Malaysia’s successbut also […]
Navigating Diplomatic Waters: Malaysia’s Role as a BridgeBetween East and West
Malaysia has long been a beacon of cultural and economic convergence, thriving as a melting potof Eastern and Western influences. Our nation’s success story is rooted in our ability to maintaina neutral and pragmatic approach to international relations, ensuring that we harness thestrengths of diverse alliances.As Malaysia stands at the crossroads of emerging global shifts, […]
Balancing National Identity and Economic Vitality:Resolving Malaysia’s Signboard Issue
The recent enforcement actions on signboard regulations by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) haveignited debates across Malaysia. These actions, while grounded in the Advertisement (FederalTerritories) By-Laws 1982, have raised concerns about their cultural, economic, and publicrelations implications. It is crucial to approach this issue with sensitivity and foresight, balancingthe primacy of Bahasa Malaysia with the […]
2023 Selangor International Economic Summit

Congratulations to the Chairman of Country Heights Holdings Berhad, Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor, on receiving the Selangor Excellence Business Award at the KSI 2023 Selangor International Economic Summit. It was indeed a win well deserved. Although it is just the beginning of 2023, the year has already brought many blessings, and this year […]
The 2023 Malaysian Housing and Property Summit

The property industry’s continuous development and adoption of technology and digitalization are key to future-proofing the industry. With the new digital era approaching and with technologies like Siri and ChatGPT, a change is inevitable and the property industry must also adapt and transform itself. In the past and up until today, purchasing a property is […]

癸卯玉免年,新年氣氛,一片榮景。一天四个節目 ,从早忙至深夜十一时,才拖着疲倦返家,但昨夜休息得好,今特与青年朋友分享有意思的一天。

National Principles of Malaysia

The National Principles of Malaysia are the principles that I always adhere to. This is what I have mentioned yesterday during my speech at the PUMM Johor State Liaison Installation ceremony for the new board members
History is the best teacher, and Internet today is the best recorde

I believe under the leadership of our new Prime Minister and the new Cabinet, it is time for all to not hesitate, and quickly come invest in Malaysia.