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人啊,来到世上,来来去去,短短几几十年,也就只3万多天。在儒释道里面,我觉得,每个人在这个世间的时候,应该尽量和大家多接触。然后在离开的时候就该放开,不要留有伤感和遗憾。可是,Tun Hanif Omar,这位马来西亚独立以来的第一任警察总长,他的离世,还是无法不让人感到伤感难受,难以释怀。在绿野高尔夫球俱乐部的纪念墙上,我们拍了一张照片,与大家共享。Tun Hanif 可以说是我人生中的一位良师益友。可以说,马来西亚的近代史,如果没有提到 Tun Hanif 这个人,就不是一段完整的历史,这是大家要知道的。他的为人,就一句,那就是高品质,而且他是真正胸怀家国一位好领袖。他离我们而去,希望大家可以去发现,他对宗教,尤其他对我国所有的宗教和族群的价值观,真的值得大家探讨与思考。People come and go, and we all exist in this world for just a few decades, or around 30,000 days. In Chinese beliefs, it's important to maintain peace and harmony with those around us, and when our time comes to an end, we should leave behind everything without regrets or sadness.However, with the passing of Tun Hanif Omar, the first Inspector-General of Police in Malaysia since our independence, many still feel saddened and find it difficult to come to terms with. At Mines Resort and Golf Club, we have a Hall of Fame, where we proudly display a photo of Tun Hanif. He was not just a friend but also a good mentor in my life.We can all agree that without Tun Hanif's chapter, the modern history of Malaysia would not be complete. His character can be summed up in one phrase: of high quality. He was truly a good leader who cared deeply for his country and its people. As he leaves us, hope everyone can discover and learn from his views and values, especially his respect towards all religions and ethnic groups in our country, which are truly worth pondering. ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada semua sahabat Muslim saya! Sempena perayaan yang gembira ini, semoga hati kita dipenuhi dengan keampunan, belas kasihan, dan rasa syukur. Marilah kita hargai semangat bersatu dan bermaaf-memaafan sambil bersama-sama dalam kasih sayang dan harmoni. Selamat Hari Raya! #eidmubarak #SelamatHariRaya ... See MoreSee Less
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Today is the celebration of Nuzul Al-Quran and the birthday of Guan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy for Chinese and Buddhist communities. Taking this opportunity, I would like to commend and praise Johor UMNO Youth Chief Noor Azleen Ambros for his approach to encourage Malaysians, Muslim and non-Muslim, to learn the Islamic teachings and to better understand each other: In fact, Al-Quran should be regarded as the medicine and vitamin for humanity. Islam has become one of the greatest religion in the world, with over 1.5 billion followers worldwide, covering individuals from all races, including over 30 million Chinese Muslims globally. And Al-Quran has been translated into so many languages. In Malaysia alone, the Muslim population is about 20 million, with Malays being the majority, but there are also some Indians and Chinese Malaysians embracing Islam. The religious belief is a path of faith, a way for all individuals to find peace and harmony. And most importantly, religion is an education of love. All major religions in the world, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, or Hinduism, despite the differences in religious practices and cultural backgrounds among them, share a common value, which is the education of love, peace and harmony. All religions teach us to love our parents, to love our siblings, to love our teachers, to love our neighbours, and to love our country. The exact opposite of love is hatred and anger. It's disheartening when, instead of fostering love and peace, religions are misused to spread and promote hatred or anger. However, this phenomenon has happened many times in history and everywhere, and it has happened in Malaysia, a beautiful country known for its multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religious society.The essence and core values of Islam is stated in our Federal Constitution, Article 3: “Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.” This beautiful core value of Islam, advocating love, peace, and harmony, should be recognized and respected by all of us, and should be the foundation for Malaysia to thrive and to become prosperous. Promoting peace and harmony is the duty of all Malaysians. Malaysians should open their eyes. Those who use religion to promote hatred and disharmony are not being truthful to their faith. They are not promoting true religious teachings and they are not promoting Islam. It is because of love, peace and harmony that Islam becomes a popular worldwide religion. Regarding the KK Mart incident, this unintended mistake, if not handled well, can become like a wildfire spreading in our multicultural society. Such incidents can ignite flames of anger, potentially leading to widespread and uncontrollable wildfire. And this can be a very classical case, that some ugly politicians start exploiting the issue and making use of religion for their own personal gain, and let the country to set on fire. I would like to call on Malaysia, instead of spreading anger fire, to become like the spring rain, softly and gently put off the fire, to maintain peace and harmony in our society. All Malaysians, especially non-Muslims, must be aware that living in a multicultural society, we must respect each other particularly Islam, and knowing that Al-Quran can be the medicine and vitamin, even for non-Muslims, to understand the Islamic cultures and teachings. On this day of Nuzul Al-Quran, let us strive to promote peace and harmony, instead of letting the episode of socks and the fire of anger burn us down. I extend my warmest wishes to all Muslims on this Nuzul Al-Quran celebration, Selamat Berpuasa. And to the Buddhist community, happy GuanYinDan (观音诞).今天是一个非常特殊的日子,伊斯兰教的Nuzul Al-Quran,也就是穆斯林的可兰经节。巧合的是,今天还是农历二月十九,也就是大慈大悲观世音菩萨的第一个诞辰。今天还是一个公共假期,我认为,在这样的一天,我们大家都要学会“放下”,学习怎么样为这个国家做一点事。伊斯兰教是世界上最大的宗教之一,全球有超过15亿的信徒。伊斯兰教之所以有这么多的信徒,一个主要的原因就是《可兰经》的存在。尽管我们不是穆斯林,但我们也可以将《可兰经》看作是一个知识的前沿,一个关于人生价值观的可取的探讨。伊斯兰的价值观是非常优秀的,这是它能够吸引如此多信徒和追随者的无可否认的原因,在全世界有15亿的信徒。在马来西亚,我们总共只有三千万人口,而所有的马来人都是穆斯林。同时,也有一些华人和印度人信奉伊斯兰教。在马来西亚,大多数华人是佛教徒或者基督徒,当然也有信仰道教的。世界上所有的宗教都是好的。虽然所有的宗教在信仰、仪式和饮食文化上都有许多不同和差异,因此我们需要存异求同。但最重要的是,所有的宗教都有一个共同点——那就是爱的教育。没有任何一个宗教不教导、弘扬和鼓励人与人之间应该相亲相爱。此外,所有宗教都鼓励良好的德行,即成为一个有道德的人,这是全世界所有宗教的共同点。然而,如果我们背离了这个共同点,我们可以想象,如果宗教被用来鼓励恨而不是爱的教育,鼓励愤怒,每个人愤怒后就会失去理智,那么结果就会是相互指责,从指责升级到相互伤害。这已经在全世界各地发生。宗教本是爱的教育,但一些极端人士却选择用宗教来传播恨的教育。最近的KK Mart袜子事件,其实是一次管理上的失误。但星星之火可以燎原,这就像一点火星可能引发森林大火,我们必须保持高度警惕。我呼吁大家,在这个特别的日子里,增进相互了解,相互包容,特别是在马来西亚这样一个多元种族、多元文化的国家里,各族之间的和谐相处尤为重要。Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew ... See MoreSee Less
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《二月十九观音诞》心有观世音菩萨大慈大悲精神慈悲喜舍心四无量心 ... See MoreSee Less
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Sempena peristiwa Nuzul Quran, mari kita mengingati kembali hikmah dan pengajaran daripada Al-Quran yang mulia. Al-Qur'an menekankan pentingnya kesabaran, ketekunan, rasa syukur dan mendorong perdamaian, toleransi, dan penghargaan terhadap keragaman di antara orang-orang dengan kepercayaan dan latar belakang yang berbeza. Selamat menyambut hari Nuzul Quran. #nuzulalquran ... See MoreSee Less
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