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Attending MAAFIM 2024.Themed Beyond Borders: Global Perspectives in Interdisciplinary Healthcare. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Throwback last Saturday, 13 July 2024.I've met Dato Mohd Suhaimi Jaafar, Wisma Putra @Mines Resort and Golf Club. Despite having an iron leg due to his leg disability, Dato Suhaimi impressed me with his remarkable golfing skills with a golf handicap of 10. Truly an inspiration! ### ... See MoreSee Less
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Salam Awal Muharam to all my Muslim friends. ... See MoreSee Less
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向前看,生活有挑战也有温情。岁月不是驯服我们的狂放,而是锤炼内心的坚韧。在阳光明媚中,用微笑迎接每一个新的开始,珍惜安稳与喜悦,因为每一步都值得期待。与大家共勉之。For Sharing:Looking ahead, life holds both challenges and warmth. Time does not tame our wild spirit, but strengthens our inner resilience.In the sunshine, greet every new beginning with a smile, and cherish the peace and joy, because every step is filled with promises.Embrace the simplicity of life and discover the true joy that comes from within. TSLKY ... See MoreSee Less
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Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! Semoga perayaan Hari Raya Korban tahun ini membawa kegembiraan dan berkat yang melimpah ruah kepada anda dan keluarga. ... See MoreSee Less
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