Horses and Malaysia

Today I had a joyful ride with my ten year old grandchild. It has been twenty years since I have been on the horse back after my nasty fall from an Arabian horse.

Horses and Malaysia 


Today l had a joyful ride with my ten year old grandchild. It has been twenty years  since I have  been on the horse back after my nasty fall from an Arabian horse.


Horses has always been my love. Many people thought l was born in the year of horse when they witnessed the architecture of the Palace of the Golden Horses and kept asking for the reason behind it. The actual reason is not me but my mother who was born in the year of horse. When she passed away ten years ago, l was deeply sad that there would be no more horse in the family, however two years after that, each of all my three daughters gave birth to a child and all in the lunar Chinese calendar year of Horse. Same year but with different months. Of course, the new horses bring so much happiness to the family. 


The real reason l built the Palace of the Golden Horses is that l wanted to have something which is different for Malaysia. The fact is  that horses grew alongside mankind. All civilizations in the world started with horses. Artists, painters and movie makers have been using horses as an inspiration for their works, so it was easy to get ideas and beautiful arts for the interior decorations for the hotel. With horses,  there would be no controversy. Horses have been friends to all of human mankind. 


Another special reason is that Malaysia in Mandarin is addressed as 馬國, “horse country”, the RM currency we using, in mandarin is called 馬币 “horse currency”. And of course in a lighter vein, the surname of Malaysian Prime Minister back then, like many Chinese Muslim surname is Ma. Ma in Mandarin meant horse. 


Today the 8km country ride brought back lots of memories of my early days at Country Heights and I beginning to think that after the golf industry, maybe l should also contribute to the horse industry by building few new centers for horses. I wish to suggest we set up an Academy for the horse industry. Riding is fun and is very good for the youngsters to increase their confidence and responsibility in taking care of horses. My third daughter Diani has benefited through taking horse riding both as a sport and as an education. 


Malaysia with 65 years of independence still have a lot of hardwork to do. Let us  learn from the spirit of horses. May all our younger generation run as fast as the horses.


