






















国家原则是给所有马来西亚人最好的维他命。同样地,可兰经是给所有穆斯林、甚至是对全人类来说最好的精神药物,对我们的马来政客应起作用。停止内斗吧,做一个真正的好穆斯林,行有不得反求诸自,不怪别人,怪自己为1.5兆(1.5 trillion) 令吉的国债真正挑起责任。是时候纠正错误政策,不要把负担传给下一代。用正信伊斯兰教义来制止腐败贪污。伊斯兰教和其他所有宗教一样,都反对贪污腐败,伊斯兰教更是直接说明了“Riba is a sin”(利息是一种罪恶)。不要让这1.5兆令吉国债的利息增加民众企业的负担,政客保護的银行体系,这些年也太肥了。






统治者,我们的保护者、国家主权的代表者、国家品牌的推动者,我们所有人都应在Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda之下为国家奉献。国家至上,一切次之。









Selamat Berpuasa, 






𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐯𝐬. 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫


One colour cannot make a beautiful painting, one species flower cannot create a beautiful garden; A green background with plenty beautiful colours, this is what makes Malaysia so beautiful all together.


Malaysian Malay.

Malaysian Chinese.

Malaysian Indian.

Malaysian Iban.

Malaysian Kadazandusun.


We all call ourselves “Malaysian” first, and there is no “pure” Malays, no “pure” Chinese, even if we do look different on our skin, all races share the same type of blood, that’s why the blood bank only categorizes by A, B, O and AB, and we can donate blood to each other and help each other. 


Trying to distribute the nation’s wealth based on colour will be totally wrong, the only way right is to ensure the welfare based on rich and poor. The right way is, the poor get help from the government, while the rich must help the poor. 


After so many decades of colour policy, the poor Malays are still very poor, this is what happened to Malaysian Malays, as per Malay leaders’ own remarks. The “Bumiputra” policy should have been named “Malay” policy instead. The ruling Malay politicians after Tunku Abdul Rahman has formed interest groups or classes and they operate using party flags instead of the national flag, while continuously fighting among themselves. The infighting of those groups never stopped. Politics has been used as a platform, as a reason, as an excuse, as a tool, all under the good disguise to “help the poor”, and yet, the poorer Malays are still poor today. Sadly, over a long enough period of time, it has become a system of corruption, under the name of “political donation”, where money goes through political parties, and joining the parties has become a “get rich fast” system. Forming political parties has become a business for many ugly politicians, which also explains the continuous infighting. The non-stop political shows by the Malay politicians, joined by fellow Chinese and Indian ugly politicians, the non-stop political drama of “today we friend, tomorrow we enemy; today a family, tomorrow katak, and then a new party”, and our media and banking system were all made into tools to support their infighting games. 


All races of all countries have got rich and poor. To distribute national wealth based on the colour can only work as a temporary measure but can’t be adopted as a long term solution. However, this is a sad story of Malaysia politicians, and it makes them look so ugly over a long period of time. The new economic policy should be based on rich and poor, the poorer ones get immediate help, the richer ones get assistance to encourage the capitals get invested, to create more jobs and wealth for the nation, and the positive cycles continue. The rich generates higher tax revenues to help the poor Malaysians and to help build a better Malaysia. Don’t criticize the rich, don’t differentiate them based on Chinese, Malay, or Indian, let them feel safe and don’t frighten them, as long as the wealthy ones follow the laws and get rich through offering products and services to the country and society. Business is not easy, getting rich is not easy. Blaming the rich and especially with colour-bias is not the right thing to do. 


Meritocracy, hardworking, honesty, morale, ethic, and shamefulness are a must, selecting good candidates based on personal and individual characteristics is a good measure to ensure our younger generation grow healthily, with character building. Blaming the rich is unfair, and not after 65 years of independence. Don’t forget that Malaysia has been a rich country and the role model for many others, with a fair share of international affairs in terms of our views and influences, we are well respected by the world especially the third world countries. It must not be forgotten that Malaysia was once the Asian Tiger, but instead of growing further, we now have a RM 1.5 trillion national debt. Don’t blame on others but blame ourselves. If we don’t stop the infighting, the wrong directions we have been in will just prolong. 




Rukun Negara, our great national philosophy, is the best vitamin for all Malaysians. Similarly, the Al-Quran is one of the best medicines for human mankind and for all Muslims in the world, it is especially good for our Malay politicians. Stop infighting and be a real good Muslim, don’t blame others but blame ourselves for the RM 1.5 trillion national debt. It is time to right the wrong, don’t pass on to the future generations. Stop the corruption practices by adopting the true Islamic teachings. Islam and other religions are all against corruption, in Islam it has been mentioned so clearly, Riba is a sin. Don’t increase the interest burden on the Rakyat with this RM 1.5 trillion debt. 


Kepercayaan Kepada TUHAN. With God’s bless, this unity government, we must take it as a God’s gift, as an opportunity to repair this country. 


KESETIAAN Kepada Raja dan Negara. Our protector, our sovereignties, our country’s branding, we all work for the country under Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda. Country comes first, everything else comes second. 


Keluhuran Perlembagaan. Never side line the supreme power of the Rulers on religious matters, especially the Islam, based on Article 3 of our Federal Constitution. The power of our Rulers must be respected, and for everyone to work with and not against the government of the day, this is the best respect to the Federal Constitution.


Kedaulatan Undang-Undang. Corruption is the problem, not our multi-races. Malaysians are living in harmony, just the politicians are not. Political parties are the main problem, and the corruption cases, once charged in court, must be upheld based on Kedaulatan Undang-Undang principle. 


Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan. The foundation of the unity and harmonious society. Let’s keep our differences away and share the same common universal values, and share the light of Ramadan. Let us learn the wisdom of Al-Quran and the festival of Ramadan and Raya, and get in touch with the spirit of Kesopanan and Kesusilaan in a multicultural Malaysian society. Malaysia is a beautiful painting with plenty colours, a beautiful Garden of Eden with many flowers, a most beautiful place on Earth. Let us celebrate the Ramadan festival and promote unity, peace and harmony. 


Selamat Berpuasa, 


On the first day of Puasa,


Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew. 

Malay + Tiong Hua + Sian = Malaysian. A Malaysian. 

Founder of Cheng Ho Multi Culture and Education Trust. 

23 MARCH, 2023.




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