Orchid Ramadan Raya Celebration

As the founder of Cheng Ho Multi Culture Education Trust, I had the pleasure of co-organizing the Orchid Ramadan Raya celebration with the founder of Al Khaadem Foundation, Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee. This event brought together religious leaders from different faiths such as Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Christianity to commemorate the holy month.


The most meaningful aspect of the Orchid Ramadan Raya celebration has been the connections made between people of different races and religions. As we gather to share, communicate, and respect different religious perspectives, we are reminded that we are all part of one Malaysia, regardless of our race, religion and culture, our differences should be celebrated, not feared. As one colour cannot make a beautiful painting; One species of flower cannot create a beautiful garden. Instead, a green background with plenty of different colors or flowers will be beautiful. The celebration exemplifies the unity of Malaysia with our multi-culture, multi-religion and multiracial society, which makes our country truly beautiful.


As Ramadan continues, let us hold on to this message of unity and multiracialism. Let us continue to build bridges across our differences, and work towards a world where all people are valued and respected, regardless of their race, religion, or background.


Video link: https://fb.watch/jSaR9IWKDz/ 



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Read more:

[The Merdeka Times]: https://themerdekatimes.com/?p=14759

[The Merdeka Times] : https://themerdekatimes.com/?p=14753

[The Merdeka Times]:https://themerdekatimes.com/?p=14702

[TV3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5JaqvWPOnk

[Cincai News]: https://www.cincainews.com/news/malaysia/2023/03/21/religion-leaders-politicians-need-to-be-mindful-when-promoting-religious-programme/60890

[Guang Ming Daily]: https://guangming.com.my/?p=1585892

[Sin Chew Daily]: https://www.sinchew.com.my/?p=4557973

[eNanyang]: https://www.enanyang.my/node/533156

[RedTomato]: https://www.redtomato.com.my/video/32549.html