Country Comes First, Everything Else Come Second

Regarding the ongoing court cases which raised so many public sentiments and discussions, we should stick with the principle of Rukun Negara “Kedaulatan Undang-Undang”. Country comes first, everything else comes second.

Dear Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi,


Regarding the ongoing court cases which raised so many public sentiments and discussions, we should stick with the principle of Rukun Negara “Kedaulatan Undang-Undang”. Country comes first, everything else comes second.


This brings back old memories, since we last met during the 9th World Chinese Economic Forum (WCEF) which took place at Hong Kong, which was also attended by the former MCA President Tan Sri Liow Tiong Lai and the then nobody Mr Cheah Chuang Young, I would like to thank you again for having publicly announced that I am your good friend and your good neighbour, at the Opening of WCEF at Hong Kong.


There is a Tiong Hua saying “Good medicine may taste bitter, and helpful advices may be hurting your ear” [良药苦口,忠言逆耳]. In the capacity of a lifetime member of MCA, legally also a Barisan Nasional member, hope this open letter will get your attention and bring positive energy to BN.


Enclosed herewith are all the correspondences between myself and my party MCA , and the letter to my party president, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, for your references. And most importantly, I enclose herewith all my previous letters which have been received and acknowledged by the Election Commission Chairman, Conference of Rulers as well as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, also for your references.


And based on the principles of Rukun Negara, notably Kepercayaan kepada TUHAN, “Keluhuran Perlembagaan” and “Kedaulatan Undang-Undang”, nobody should be above the law. The spirit of Barisan Nasional vows to preserve, protect and defend the Federal Constitution and to safeguard the interests of the People of Malaysia.


Therefore, I humbly request, Dato’ Seri, as the chairman and under the true spirit of Barisan Nasional, to immediately suspend DSN from BN which in order to uphold the principle of “Keluhuran Perlembagaan” and “Kedaulatan Undang-Undang”. As publicly aware, the “malu-apa” campaign is against Islamic teachings and is therefore violating the Article 3 of the Federal Constitution, which is the highest Law in Malaysia, that “Islam is the religion of the Federation”. “Malu” is a quality of Islam, so much so that the Prophet ﷺ deemed it the very hallmark of Islam by saying, “Every religion has its signature character trait, and the signature character trait of Islam is håya, = Malu.”


Secondly, corruption is the number one enemy of this country and it must be stopped from the root source, and l suggest that all Barisan Nasional component parties must set up an anti-corruption committee and invite Election Commission and MACC to be committee advisor, based on the principles of Islam, which is against corruptions. As political funding is the main culprit of corruption, political parties had become a machine for money laundering whenever elections are here, and elections have been turned into money laundering tools and mechanics. By setting up and enforcing the anti-corruption committees within the member parties, this can win the confidence of voters and regain respect of the world. Hope this bitter advice will get into your ears and hope that you would take my suggestions seriously.




Media Islam:…/surat-terbuka-oleh-tan-sri…/

Agenda Daily:…/open-letter-by-tan-sri…/

Oriental Daily:…/2022/07/10/498096



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