








电影,这產業,行業,五花八门,自西方工業革命,隨汽车,飛机,火箭等發明,澎勃發展,深思电影的發明,存在 ,对人类影响,下一代的影响,其对人类的思想,行為價值觀的傳導,思考电影發展,傳播,思考東西方主義的利与幣,东西方哲理,思考人性邪正善惡,人类要往那个方向?五G,六 G 的来臨,東西方文化的交峰与融合?西风压东风,东方人喜西凤,西方人开始喜东風,电影的發展将是最好的:思考方向之一。














Everything in existence is, like a dream, an illusion;

Like a tiny drop of dew; Or a flash of lightning.


This Chinese saying from the Diamond Sutra, the Buddha’s verse, encapsulates the view of life in just twenty Chinese characters.


Among them are the characters of “movies”; While we watch movies, we reflect on life, pondering the past and future. Though the past life or reincarnation may be uncertain, the present in this life and world is sure. Yet, however real this current life may be, when we reach the end of our course, it will become a dream, an illusion. This illusion cannot be taken with us; there will only be karma following. We come to this world with fate and leave it with fate. Are we fated to meet in this life? And will we meet again in the next?


The film industry has flourished since the Western Industrial Revolution, alongside inventions such as cars, airplanes, and rockets. When we consider the development and dissemination of the film industry and its impact on humanity, we must also examine the benefits and drawbacks of Eastern and Western ideologies and philosophies, as well as the crossover of values from both cultures. We must explore its impact on the nature of good and evil in humans and the direction in which humanity should progress. With the advent of 5G and 6G, there will be a fusion and exchange of Eastern and Western cultures, and movies will be one of its best manifestations for us to witness.


Movies are the manifestation of different walks of life that often touch people’s hearts and influence their thoughts, and their impact on human life cannot be underestimated. People are deeply affected by movies, which are a manifestation of humanity’s pursuit and exploration of our destiny. If used properly, movies can create more good people, harmonious families, just nations, and a well-managed and well-integrated world. Good scripts, directors, male and female actors can deeply move everyone’s hearts. 


On March 13th, 2023, Michelle Yeoh, a Malaysian-born Chinese woman, shocked the film industry and the cultures of both the East and the West by becoming the first Asian woman to win the Best Actress Oscar. She is an outstanding Eastern woman. Her winning speeches after the two recent victories, if listened and thought carefully, are the best opportunity for Eastern values and culture to be conveyed to the West. Only on the fertile ground of Malaysia, where Eastern and Western cultures combine and integrate, could such an excellent, beautiful, diligent, and filial Eastern woman be born. Michelle Yeoh is a gem, a jade, a beautiful and valuable treasure! She loves the world, and the world loves her. Michelle Yeoh is the Eastern pearl of Malaysia, and we look forward to her bringing us better scripts and a better tomorrow.


Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, written for the beautiful Michelle Yeoh.

March 14th, 2023.