Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim friends! 


This year’s celebration is extra special as we come together under a unity government. Unity is the key to the stability of our country, and as we celebrate, let’s remember that peace and harmony come from unity.


To mark this occasion, the Ramadhan event held at the Palace of the Golden Horses showcased the world’s longest papercutting of the Al-Quran, crafted by an Islamic papercutting artist. This masterpiece serves as a reminder of the Quran’s significance in our lives and the teachings of Islam as one of the best medicines for humankind.


May we all forgive and seek forgiveness from each other – Maaf Zahir dan Batin. May this auspicious occasion bless us with peace, prosperity, and harmony.


Check out the full video: