National Embarrassment

Embarrassing but still have to reply as the harassment continued, to me it is only weird to demand a reply to something unnecessary which was already public knowledge for 16 years, and it’s even more weird to keep diverting attentions from the main problem.

National Embarrassment – My Answers to DSN: 



Embarrassing but still have to reply as the harassment continued, to me it is only weird to demand a reply to something unnecessary which was already public knowledge for 16 years, and it’s even more weird to keep diverting attentions from the main problem. Weird, pelik, the challenge is asking me to prove DSN is a liar, I have no choice. I would like to share five points of thought to answer DSN:



1. History Serves as Mirror, Internet Serves as Record


The internet today is a history book for tomorrow, whatever we did and said would be recorded. To know the international reputation & image of a man to the world, just search any keyword like 1MDB, Jho Low, all those crimes were all recorded on news all over the world and probed. Justice has been served in many countries, all settled but Malaysia. I am sure this kind of reputation and image won’t justify a man to represent Malaysia again on the international stage. The internet is a mirror and also a record, I typed a few examples, just to share: 






Nobody can simply throw mud with the Mirror of Internet, type in your name and look at your own mirror before pointing fingers at others, your own wrongdoing cannot be simply erased. 


My name has been associated as the founder and patron of the WCEF series, I have been present in each of the particular happening. And with the Dec 27 incident, with all those critics coming from all over the world, it is only reasonable that I distance myself from it, those parties don’t feel the embarrassment, but I feel it.




2. Causes and Effects


Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan, or belief in God, as the first principle in the Rukun Negara, is a rule in our universe. We must have fear and believe, that you get rewarded for your good deeds, and you get punishment for being bad. Imagine someone with such high profile as a PM and then to be sentenced to jail. DSN has been found guilty and sentenced to 12 years jail term. 



It is weird for an ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia to resorting to acts of cyber-bullying and cyber-gangsterism and making use of social media in attempting to divert attentions from the facts and try to whitewash his own crimes as convicted by the court, by continuing his strategy using the malu-apa campaign. 



This is a very bad image and examples to our younger generations, we are giving them the impression that corruption malu apa, curi wang malu apa, kasar mulut malu apa; Islam is one of the world’s best religion, and I am very sure that this malu-apa propaganda is against the Islamic teachings, this toxic thinking for the nation must be stopped. Losing money can still be recovered, losing the core values in our future generation, the loss is unaccountable. 



My advice for the younger generations today, do not resort to any act of bullying or harassing on the cyber space. Mere popularity on Internet and social media, without morale or ethics, this kind of popularity wouldn’t last long. A society without Akhlak can’t build peace and harmony, this is an Islamic virtue, all religions teach us to love not to hate, and to follow the moral and ethical conduct.



3. The National Embarrassment


Please do not embarrass the whole nation again with all the unnecessary personal attacks on Facebook when it was just merely 19 days from the Dec 8 judgement, describing you as the “national embarrassment” and which was spread all over the world. Nobody is throwing mud; all these are online, just two examples to share: 

Bangkok Post:…/national-embarrassment…

The Edge:…/kwap-loans-src-najibs…


I am sure the verdict on Dec 8 doesn’t encourage DSN to participate in and deliver such high-profile keynote address such as the one in WCEF. What are you trying to prove? What are you trying to tell the judges? Please be reminded that you are convicted and are currently on bail, and those on bail must behave, respect the judges and law, and uphold the judicial system of Malaysia. 


An ex-PM going to an illegitimate WCEF and trying to whitewash himself, DSN is definitely wrongly advised. They could have used any other name, ICEF, why link it to WCEF? You may have forgotten that I personally presented you the Life Member Award from the real WCEF, not Cheah. 


Trying to use the internet and the power of social media to whitewash the court decisions would not work. 


4. Comrades Turned Enemy


The Malay political circle is like circus now. Today comrade, tomorrow enemy. Today enemy, tomorrow comrade. 


Your Atuk was your mentor, and he helped you to become the Prime Minister. 


Both of you were friends and comrades for decades. During his 22 years period, you were both in the same line-up, and Malaysia enjoyed peace and harmony for 22 years. Instead of working together, why now you choose to fight him? 


Why can’t you two work together under the morale and ethics of Islamic teachings and the Rule of Law, to sort things out for the interest of the nation? It is like two elephants fighting and the grass is suffering. Why drag in the Chinese community and the WCEF platform? And even if you don’t like him, you shouldn’t “hina” him, Tun is already 96 years old, I really sympathize him. 


Let me share the story of the hotel, which used to be one of the confidence symbol of BN government and opened its door in October 1997 to assist the government amid the storm of Asian financial crisis but couldn’t get any financial assistances from the government and was left in trouble when the rating agency unreasonably downgraded our 200 million bond from “A-rating” to “Unsecured” in 2004 despite the hotel has been successfully completed. It was one year after his retirement that Atok felt indebted and used his hard-earned saving to subscribe to a one million shares through public offer. This was a public knowledge. Has DSN not bought any public shares before? Why using it for dirty tactics and cheapskate defamation?



Anyway thank you again for highlighting the Palace of Golden Horses with two beautiful pictures, which was built from the world’s largest cast mine, from a wasted land turned into a commercial one. This Palace of Golden Horses has hosted a number of events, like G15, ASEAN Summit, NAM Summit, APEC, Commonwealth Games, PGA Official Tour, etc, and has contributed its share to the national branding of Malaysia and which fruitful benefits have been enjoyed by the government including DSN. 


To me, once mixing with wrong friend or acquaintance, they bankrupt the wealth and reputation of the family in a very fast pace. Again, the history is fresh:



5. Nobody Above the Law


Nobody must be above the law, or act like he is the law. Using the WCEF is a mistake you have made, and to me it doesn’t have any legitimacy and the legality is very questionable. It is not a smart move trying to challenge the judicial system. Even worse, to associate with the likes of Cheah. 


And to think that you can make the world forget what has happened, it is just impossible, unless you can wipe out the whole social media, just Malaysia alone is not enough. 


The right way is to ask for forgiveness and prepare good reasons to seek for pardon, cooperate with the authorities and combine efforts to bring back Jho Low. This will be the button to reset and rebuild Malaysia, to bring the country back to the right track. 


The stability of Malaysia must come from nobody being above the law. The Covid-19 pandemic and flood, natural disaster is bad enough. But the infighting of the politicians, or the human disasters, these are even worse. Nobody is above the law, then only we can bring back the peace and harmony to rebuild Malaysia. 


I have noted the challenges from DSN, as well as all the continued harassment from the cybertroopers on social media and I shall reserve all my legal rights as a citizen of Malaysia. 


I purposely choose today (Jan  to remind that it was on Dec 8 that DSN have been convicted as a criminal and sentenced to 12 years jail. This is a shameful history of Malaysia. Never before any of our Prime Minister been convicted by the court. And DSN must take notice that he is currently on bail. DSN must remember that he has made the oath as an MP and as a Prime Minister to protect Malaysia and the national interest. I have never thrown any mud. Instead, it is the other way round. I have helped to fulfill the childhood dream of bringing PGA Official Tour to Malaysia, and you had a good time with Tiger Woods. 


Last but not least, since DSN has posted beautiful pictures of the Mines Golf, I have a Golf Pantun here to share: 


Kayu pertama tentukan tegah atau OB,


Masuk bunker jangan susah hati.


Masuk kolam macam mandi, 


Kalau suci jangan buat salah lagi.


Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew

Founder and the Former Chairman of Malaysia China Business Council for ten years 

Founder and Patron for WCEF, WCES, and GCET


Reported on media (08/01):