Beauty Vs Ugly

Five difficult nights have passed, the political situation in Malaysia is still messy, but still, Malaysians must stay alert to differentiate the beauty and the ugly, and we must beware that the ugly is turning dangerous for the country.

A statement by UMNO veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, affectionately known as Ku Li, said the King has absolute power to solve the political woes in the country as per the Federal Constitution.

The people of Malaysia must pay serious attention to his call, Ku Li is truly in love with our country, he can sense that Malaysia is in danger, especially after Muhyiddin openly rejected the King’s advice to form a unity government.

Our king is taking all measures and steps following the Federal Constitution and with the power given to him. Our king represents the Malaysian Sovereignty, that is why our armed forces and official state duties are called Polis Diraja, Tentera Diraja, and Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda.

The Cabinet is the King’s Cabinet, while the politicians are merely talents chosen by the people. The administrative systems of the country are meant to protect the very best interest of the country and its people, especially in situations like this. Therefore, l fully support KuLi’s suggestions if necessary.

The last state of emergency happened on 12 Jan 2021 until 1 August 2021. There was no parliament, to the extent until our beloved King stepped in. Without a parliament, the eight months of ugly period in Malaysia with Covid, lockdown, this ugly period was just one year and four months ago.

All newly elected MP must start to think, the keywords in the MP’s oath. The people of Malaysia must support our King and the Rulers, especially with the Bill of Anti Party Hopping Law, the number games must not be used as the main consideration. In fact, it is the voices and votes of the Rakyat that counts, it is the judgement of our beloved King that counts.

Remember the last darurat, remember the pain that we have gone through.

Remember the Rukun Negara, that no one is above the Law, the Sovereignty of the country, the democracy system that must not be trespassed or destroyed. Especially not just by some random SD figures, these should not become the secret trading papers.

By the name of Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda, I urge the people of Malaysia to remain solid behind the King and the Rulers, as they judge the Beauty vs. the Ugly for the benefits of all Malaysians.

Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara.

Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew
MCA Life member, BN member.
Founder of Cheng Ho Multicultural Education Trust (CHMET) and Global Chinese Economic and Technology Submit (GCETS).
24 November 2022