致: 马华总秘书拿督张盛闻



身为马来西亚创业促进会的创始人及赞助人,在昨晚的森美兰州联委会就职典礼致词时,我就提到了我们在政治领域面对的困境,我认为大家必须要形成一个共识,比如华教经济的课题别吵,这样才能给我们的下一代制造机会。唯有不争吵,大马华人才能在教育和经济领域上拥有更大的实力,有了实力才会获得尊重。 我呼吁大马青年在大选期间应该要参与投票,更应该热衷于法律,因为无人能超越法律,在有条规和法律的环境下,商家才能更容易的经营生意。阅读 更多: 李金友:為族群打造經濟機會 華人政黨須團結達共識 https://www.sinchew.com.my/?p=4181089 Previous Next



A Queen Forever

The news of the loss of Queen Elizabeth II was so sudden. As a Commonwealth citizen, I had a chance to meet, greet, and receive Her Majesty and Prince Philip during Her Majesty’s stay at the Palace of the Golden Horses.

Horses and Malaysia

Today I had a joyful ride with my ten year old grandchild. It has been twenty years since I have been on the horse back after my nasty fall from an Arabian horse.

We Are Turning 65

We are turning 65. The world is watching us, don’t let just a few thousands UMNO members represent the whole Malay community or represent the whole Muslim community.


全世界都在注视着我们马来西亚作为一个主权国家,我们必须使用国家原则(RUKUN NEGARA ) 作为捍卫和保护我们的联邦宪法的“药物”和“维生素”。

Open Letter to all Malaysians and the Mainstream Media

The world is watching us Malaysia as a sovereign country, we must defend and protect our Federal Constitution by using the “medicines” and “vitamins” of RUKUN NEGARA.

Country Comes First, Everything Else Come Second

Regarding the ongoing court cases which raised so many public sentiments and discussions, we should stick with the principle of Rukun Negara “Kedaulatan Undang-Undang”. Country comes first, everything else comes second.

Wisma Putra-KKR Golf Game

I am glad that the Wisma Putra-KKR Golf Game held on 17 July 2022 at The Mines Resort & Golf Club was conducted successfully. In this event, I introduced “chocolate golf” by rewarding good golfers achieving 2 pars or 4 pars in a row, and immediately there was this great golfer TS Boon Hock who scored 7 pars straight. Besides that, I also offered bonsai and a painting of Tiger Woods as the prizes for hole in one, but nobody managed to strike on that day.