房间里的大象Elephants in the room 是一句英文谚语.,用来形容馬来西亞当今政经文教各领域的隱憂情况,最形象,也最寫真,也最令人憂心馬来西亞这国家的未来,华人将面对的遭遇。 爭奪选票,赢得选举为升官發财为最简易的致富㨗徑的劣质政治文化,无奈的團结政府住進了外表富丽唐煌的布宫,但这宫里的大象小象太多了。房间里的大象,英文的諺語,把意思照抄共享: The “elephant in the room”: the phrase elephant referring to a major problem or controversial issue which is obviously present but is avoided as a subject for discussion. “They’ve steadfastly ignored the elephant in the room: the ever-growing problem at KLIA airport on the systematic corruption practice… Continue reading 房间里的大象