2023 Selangor International Economic Summit

Congratulations to the Chairman of Country Heights Holdings Berhad, Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor, on receiving the Selangor Excellence Business Award at the KSI 2023 Selangor International Economic Summit. It was indeed a win well deserved. Although it is just the beginning of 2023, the year has already brought many blessings, and this year… Continue reading 2023 Selangor International Economic Summit

The 2023 Malaysian Housing and Property Summit

The property industry’s continuous development and adoption of technology and digitalization are key to future-proofing the industry. With the new digital era approaching and with technologies like Siri and ChatGPT, a change is inevitable and the property industry must also adapt and transform itself. In the past and up until today, purchasing a property is… Continue reading The 2023 Malaysian Housing and Property Summit


癸卯玉免年,新年氣氛,一片榮景。一天四个節目 ,从早忙至深夜十一时,才拖着疲倦返家,但昨夜休息得好,今特与青年朋友分享有意思的一天。



National Principles of Malaysia

The National Principles of Malaysia are the principles that I always adhere to. This is what I have mentioned yesterday during my speech at the PUMM Johor State Liaison Installation ceremony for the new board members

History is the best teacher, and Internet today is the best recorde

I believe under the leadership of our new Prime Minister and the new Cabinet, it is time for all to not hesitate, and quickly come invest in Malaysia.


[緣] 人生百歲,三萬六千五百天,一個緣字,能够相识相知都是一种莫大的缘分,世上那么多人,为什么就相遇了,因緣使然。惜緣,護緣,增上緣,緣來時都是好緣,人生就一個緣字,莫把善緣變惡緣,要把惡緣轉善緣,不隨意攀緣,定立慧緣修真根。 [悼念先生江澤民] 修短隨化,終期於盡,古人雲:死生亦大矣!豈不痛哉! 中國第三爻,第三代領導人江澤民主席往生,聞訃傷感,書悼釋懷。在亞洲金融風暴的風尖浪口上,先生出席東盟十加三,與先生有緣。当时我们深受亚洲金融风暴之害,我对先生说了一句“亞洲金融風暴的矛頭看似指向東南亞,但西方的這支矛頭最終是指向中國”,因为這一句話,讓先生貴為中國領導,在各國領導人離開後,多住一晚,讓我做東,兩國領導對亞洲金融風暴表达见解和同解,過後的八個月,索罗斯,曾蔭權在香港的博弈,金融戰,中國的和平堀起道路,從來不平坦。 江主席,人如其名,澤民,續鄧小平慧命,中國的改革開放一脈傳承,敬佩他能忍,忍功第一,尤其美國說誤炸中國大使館,阻擋一波又一波的攻擊,化為信任,先生實為世界華人近代政治史偉人,WTO ,博鳌論壇,引領中國走向世界的贡獻,承先啟後,令人敬佩。 緣生緣滅,先生走了,珍惜您留下的緣,給世界,給馬來西亞的緣份,金友偕夫人珍惜與您的緣份,並遙拜,祈觀世音菩薩護佑您的英靈。 此致 默哀悼念! 中庸留世旱轉澤 國治家齊益萬民 馬來西亞李金友偕家人悼書。 二零二二年十二月一日 Previous Next


区块链不是空谈,它是走向数字经济的Game Changer,推动银行业走向数字化、普及化、简易化的重要手段。希望我在节目中的分享,能够带给大家一些启发。

Wisma Putra-KKR Golf Game

I am glad that the Wisma Putra-KKR Golf Game held on 17 July 2022 at The Mines Resort & Golf Club was conducted successfully. In this event, I introduced “chocolate golf” by rewarding good golfers achieving 2 pars or 4 pars in a row, and immediately there was this great golfer TS Boon Hock who scored 7 pars straight. Besides that, I also offered bonsai and a painting of Tiger Woods as the prizes for hole in one, but nobody managed to strike on that day.